

Stainless Sheet Metal Qualities

Uses of Austenitic Stainless Steels
1.4372 X12CrMnNiN17-7-5 201 Kitchenware, industrial kitchen products and cooking equipment products
1.4301 X5CrNi18 9 304 Apparatus and appliances in the food industry can be weldable, polished and well pulled
1.4303 X5CrNi18 12 308;305 Chemical industry and bolt construction
1.4305 X8CrNiS18-9 303 Food and dairy industry, lathe parts, oil, soap, dyeing, paper and textile industry
1.4306 X2CrNi19-11 304 L Food, oil, soap and artificial yarn industries, organic and fruit aside exposed parts and tools
1.4311 X2CrNiN18 10 304 L N Pressurized container for making chemical apparatus milk, dairy products and beer industry
1.4841 X15CrNi25-20 310 Making ovens, steam boilers, petroleum plants and pipelines
1.4845 X8CrNi25-21 310S Making ovens, steam boilers, petroleum plants and pipelines
1.4841 X15CrNiSi25-21 314 Making ovens, steam boilers, petroleum plants and pipelines
1.4401 X5CrNiMo17-12-2 316 Parts and apparatus in the chemical and cellulose industry, oil fuel painting, soap and textile industry, milk and beer industry
1.4404 X2CrNiMo17-12-2 316 L Parts and apparatus in the chemical and cellulose industry, oil fuel painting, soap and textile industry, milk and beer industry
1.4406 X2CrNiMoN17-11-2 316 L N Parts and apparatus in the chemical and cellulose industry, oil fuel painting, soap and textile industry, milk and beer industry
1.4429 X2CrNiMoN17-13-3 316 L N High chemical resistant pressure vessel and apparatus
1.4435 X2CrNiMo18-14-3 316 L High chemical resistance welded parts in cellulosic, synthetic wool, textile and artificial silk industries
1.4436 X3CrNiMo17-13-3 316,00 High chemical resistance welded parts in cellulosic, synthetic wool, textile and artificial silk industries
1.4438 X2CrNiMo18-15-4 317 L Apparatus construction in cellulose and chemical industry, chemical transport vessel
1.4541 X6CrNiTi18-10 321 Food, film and photo industry, household appliances and apparatus
1.4550 X6CrNiNb18-10 347 Food, film and photo industry, household appliances and apparatus
1.4571 X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 316Ti Apparatus and parts in the chemical industry, textile, cellulose, painting, photography, artificial resin and tire industry
Uses of Martensitic Stainless Steels
1.4000 X6Cr13 403 Constructions for water and steam, white goods, interior architecture
1.4006 X10Cr13 410 Constructions for water and steam, food industry
1.4021 X20Cr13 420 High-strength parts such as axle, shaft, pump parts, valve housing, nozzle needle
1.4024 X15Cr13 - Construction parts such as shaft, pin, valve shaft
1.4031 X40Cr13 - Hardenable steel for cutting tools, wide blade, machine knife, razor, scissors, measuring tools
1.4057 X22CrNi17 431 High-strength construction parts in food, soap and vinegar industry
1.4116 X45CrMoV15 - All kinds of valuable cutter, also partially hardened parts
Uses of Ferritic Stainless Steels
1.4002 X6CrAl13 405 Petroleum industry apparatus and parts, welded parts in water station
1.4016 X8Cr17 430 Similar to 1.4001, but with higher corrosion resistance, better shrinkage
1.4104 X12CrMoS17 430 F Parts such as bolts, shafts, bushes for water and steam to be machined in automat
1.4113 X6CrMo17 434 High corrosion resistant automobile and engine parts
1.4510 X3CrTi17 XM8;430 Tİ Welded parts in the dairy, food and beer industries